[1] Every book emerges/exists in one or multiple literary contexts, because books written are made from books read, writing from writing.
— M. Allen Cunningham (@M_A_Cunningham) November 16, 2015
[2] Literature is a palimpsest, & that goes even for a book from the most unwitting author. We're always building upon, responding to,
— M. Allen Cunningham (@M_A_Cunningham) November 16, 2015
[3] or "tearing down" what has come before. It's proper for literature to be discussed in the context of literature. Because literature
— M. Allen Cunningham (@M_A_Cunningham) November 16, 2015
[4] is vast, all-encompassing. Its points of reference are innumerable, illimitable. Let's not be afraid, in talking about books, to let
— M. Allen Cunningham (@M_A_Cunningham) November 16, 2015
[5] the books talk to one another.
— M. Allen Cunningham (@M_A_Cunningham) November 16, 2015