The Atelier26 IndieGogo fundraising initiative closes on Monday, August 31st. That's three more days to make a pledge and/or to help us spread the word to potential supporters (those other avid readers in your life).
If you've been meaning to pledge, there's never been a better time. Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Your pledge is tax-deductible (and brings you beautiful books)
- The use of all funds is overseen by our fiscal sponsor, an external nonprofit arts organization
- Your pledge will go directly to the up-front expenses of reprinting and promotion necessitated by our new national distribution
- Your pledge will have a direct impact on the size of the initial People Like You print-run (we want to go big!)
- Your pledge will allow us to make the most of the opportunities before us and sustain our place in the lives of readers.
Viva Readers! Atelier26 HQ
P.S. Have you seen the advance praise for People Like You?
P.P.S Our authors are busy this Fall. Are they reading near you?